Final Shoot BATHROOM

I’d realised how many different shoots I’ve done in a bathroom after watching my final edit of this particular shoot. Starting from an original scene done in the RMIT bathroom. I think that I had done so many tests and re-shoots of a bathroom location that I ended up not really knowing what I wanted to achieve, and having that original scene with Annick in the bathroom in my head it was difficult to make something new. Having said this, I’m really happy with the scene I’ve created here. I’ve given it context and made the scene more alive through the use of music and little elements of dialogue. The context is a party that someone is trying to escape so that take refuge in the bathroom. I really like how my actor Sean held himself and spoke in the scene, his acting is what I’m particularly proud of in the scene.

I’ve done two edits of this same material, mainly just changing the grade from a more pinky hue, to a black and white/greyscale grade. I wanted uniformity to all my scenes and I like the simplicity that the greyscale grade gives off. I also think elements like the music and actions within the shot are more pronounced because the greyscale grade balances out everything within the frame.

Overall this scene turned out a lot more structured than I originally thought and my ideas formed into something totally different than originally anticipated. I am glad that the scene came together in the way it did and would definitely shoot this again in the future to perfect it and use it within a greater context; like a film or short film. Doing this scene has bettered me as a filmmaker and forced me to think about different ways to keep an audience interested.

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