Hammer Hall Test Shoot

This scene I believe will be the hardest to control as the lighting cannot really be adjusted as it will mainly be outside in an area that only uses street lights and the phone light (which is actually what I want but this my be more difficult to frame than I first anticipated). My actor will be sitting outside the building and again I want to show boredom in the characters response to their phone. I think it will contrast highly with the beautiful city behind them, and I want to focus on the character’s interest in the phone rather than the city. I will conduct this shoot at night, in order to save time and get the aesthetics and framing of the shot right for the final shoot.

These are some shots from film that I’ve based my framing around.

static1.squarespace Screen Shot 2016-06-01 at 3.23.49 PM

(Pretty Good Friends 2015)

Free_of_Thought4 Free_of_Thought6

(Free of Thought 2015)

Scan 7

As predicted this shoot was really hard to control. The lighting of the actors phone didn’t seem to be enough to light their face in the way I would have hoped. I was also aiming to use the lights surrounding the building as another key light but this wasn’t as successful as I had predicted. The overall look of this scene is much darker than I wanted but i found that crushing the blacks and going to a greyscale colour grade helped with the visibility of the shots. I also really like the look of a greyscale scene (I’ve done this in my empty room scene also), even though it has a sort of “my first film”  connotation to it. As hard as this was to film, I really enjoyed shooting this location. I’d like to conduct another shoot during the day as I believe this scene is important to my research questions. Pippa, my actress also flows so naturally through this scene that I’d love to focus on her more in a day shoot where it is obvious her character is ignorant of the location.

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