Reflecting on Week 3: Experimental Plan

  • First Experimental Plan

The writing exercise from week three prompted me to look at location, action and person. I had never thought very explicitly at these three element that make up a shot, I always seem to just bunch them together and begin filming something without paying attention to each individual element. Writing my first Experimental Plan forced me to think how these three elements can create something interesting. I wanted to take a seemingly mundane action, location and person and create something interesting.

Aims: Someone has turned up to a lecture early/late. I want to show the disappointment and the solidarity of the character through the environment they are within. I want to belittle the character through the location and use a wide camera angle to exacerbate this. I want the scene to be really well lit, with bright white light that contrasts the character and very crisp, silent sound.

Shot List:

  1. INT- Mid shot: Side angle- Doorway
  • Character enters shot running, stops once entering the doorway.
  1. INT – Wide shot: Front angle – Lecture Theatre Seating
  • Character walks into frame from bottom left of the frame. Sits in seat, dumps their bag.
  1. INT – Close Up shot: Side angle – Lecture Theatre
  • Character opens their bag and removes a bag of chips
  1. INT – Wide Shot: Front angle – Lecture Theatre Seating
  • Character is eating the chips slowly and sighs

Shot List


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