Abstract Edit


These two abstracts (i.e. sound and footage) were shot separately and I was not able to be in class when the abstract sound was recorded. Thus I found this exercise frustrating in a directorial sense. I was not able to mesh these two abstracts together in a way that I had hoped, I feel like there is a strange randomness to how the images panned out. I understand the exercise had a technical focus but I don’t believe I’ve successfully put these to mediums together in a creative way. However having said this, it forced me to be able to understand how sound and footage work together. I feel as if some sort of correlation in the mediums must be sought, whether it be in mutual location or in meaning.

This exercise was difficult in a create sense, I didn’t feel like I was drawn to any narrative or any meaning when choosing the locations of the shoot. However the locations we did shoot were a lot ore interesting when people were in them. I found it more desirable to shoot people in an environment than to just film an object within an environment. An interesting visual to me it watching how people react to being film and to the presence of a camera. I realised I love seeing this happen on camera.

It was difficult knowing how to start editing this, I found no particular process could be taken. I just overlaid the most sound to opposite visuals (i.e. the running water sound over the visual of people walking around at RMIT). Looking at these shots in post made me understand that I had not yet mastered white balance, and I need to take more care when setting up a shot to get the correct white balance. Overall I’ve realised what kind of focus I like to have when shooting and how I can place myself within an environment in order to get those shots. I will continue to experiment filming people within an environment and capturing different types of spaces.

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