3 Shot Edit


This exercise was a lot more interesting to me as it had a creative prompt. I found it helpful to direct a scene that enables an action and an actor. As a group we found the most visually interesting location was a lot of elements within it to position out shot within. The stairs of building 13 allowed for a lot of abstract shapes and angles within the shot. We directed Mia to walk down the stairs and talk on her phone. I realised in editing that we should have coordinated and planned out the entire scene and with angles we were going to shoot before we actually shot them. In editing the blocking that was decided halfway through shooting, wasn’t matched in each shot that was recorded. So out actress (Mia) was walking in different directions and it didn’t seem to flow as easily in post production. Another thing I noticed in post was our inability to notice everything in the frame when shooting. A tripod leg can be seen in shot and we didn’t notice this on the small monitor when filming, I think a lot more care should be taken before we start recording. I’ve learnt how important the preparation of a shot is through this exercise. Whether is be, blocking, framing and even extras coordinating (which we didn’t actually have a lot of control over this time, but could look into for the next exercise).

In post production I’ve found royalty free music to match with the footage. The 3 shot footage, enabled me to make more of a ‘story’ or ‘narrative’ and I think music confirms the narrative. I feel as if an element of mystery is confirmed through the music. The audience must drawn their own conclusion in what is happening between the character and whoever they are talking to on the other end of the phone. I didn’t choose to colour grade or adjust an lighting settings as I really like the way the footage has turned out in an aesthetic sense.

I’ve realised another reason why I liked this 3 shot footage more than the previous footage because Mia’s clothing seems to match the environment that she’s within. I’ve noticed that the visuals within a shot are very important and part of those visuals includes costume. I’ve noticed in crappy music videos and a lot of bad short films the costume doesn’t seem to be considered much or when it is, it doesn’t it into the environment of location that it is being filmed within. I’d like to work on understanding the aesthetics of a shot, one of which is the costumes in a shot.

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