Final Reflection

As a part of my reflection i have chosen 5 posts that I believe best deomonstrate my understandning of the course and my ability to connect with and learn from the key concepts. My 5 posts include here are as follows

Lectorial Week 8 – Narrative

Lectorial Week 11 – Remixes

I’ve chosen these 5 posts as I believe they all represent an element of my learning in terms of developing and gaining a deeper understanding. Each of these posts have evidence of a new concept I have gained wider knowledge and understanding on. For example in the post that reflects my project brief 3 video, I learnt to identify the pros and cons of the work i created. A deeper level of critical evaluation was learnt and applied during this part of the semester.

Throughout this semester I’ve learnt a lot about myself and my own learning processes and practices. I found the lectorials relatively thought provoking and challenging in terms of pushing myself and my ability to think more broadly about media practices. In the lectorial that focused on remixes specifically I learnt a lot about the media discipline in terms of appropriations and taking on new meaning, this is a concept that was fairly new to me and I was able to think more deeply about and expand upon this as a specific element in media.

As mentioned previously I’ve learnt about my learning capabilities and how I learn as a student specifically. I’ve found that I am much more of an individual learner but I respond well to others around me. I am able to collaborate ideas and develop practices with others and this helps me in progression with my studies. However I find that when it comes to assignments and written work, I am more capable working on an individual basis.

The most challenging elements of the course was the final and ongoing project brief 4 group assignment. I found the project itself difficult to grasp and quite different from what we were doing for the majority of the semester (in terms of assignments). The component of group work was also very difficult to organise and maintain, and I found myself unable to keep on track with the work as all my group members were at different points of the assignment at different times. I found that being able to keep the group on track and progressing was my main challenge, however I learnt a lot from this assignment and was able to complete an artefact all members were happy with.

In terms of creative practices, I’ve learnt this semester that one needs to be inspired to create media. In my own experiences in the last 13 weeks all medias that I’ve pushed myself to create, whether it be a blog post or a clip for a project brief, if they have been forced I don’t create such good work. I need to be constantly inspired, whether it be through the readings or content in the lectorials, or videos and films I have watched. I find that it isn’t hard to be inspired, but I need to force myself to find that inspiration, rather than to force myself to create or produce something.

Here is a ‘Learning Graph’ which highlights different aspects of my learning across the semester.unnamed-3

I declare that in submitting all work for this assessment I have read, understood and agree to the context and expectations of the assessment declaration.


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