Tutorial Week 11

After a brief moment of panic, my group decided to change our Project Brief 4 artefact to a website…and then back to a podcast. I think we were rattled by the thought that we may not be able to present and communicate all of our research and findings into a podcast. However we ultimately decided that a website would be a lot more work and would mainly distract us from the objective of the assignment, and would leave us off track anyway. Although there is the risk we may not present our findings effectively, we must aim to create clear and direct questions in our interviews they communicate our prior research. I have been stressed out in the last week in terms of this assignment as i’ve found it difficult to devople my ideas and resseach further. However after the tutorial today and another meeting with my group we have a clear indication of where our artefact is heading. At this stage i will be interviewing a University lecturer and directing questions that ask how podcasts are used in terms of educational tools. I have written a script and sample questions based on my research, that will aim to elicit the responses needed to create my part of the podcast segment. My other group members will also conduct their interviews in the coming week and we will all come together to edit and create our podcast. Hopefully in the the coming week we will be able to gather all of our work and produce a concise first edit of our final podcast.

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