Lectorial Week 11 – Remixes

In this week’s lectorial, Dan was focused on remixes and the ideas based around original and unoriginal media. How can we differentiate between the two when almost everything that is made in modern media is heavily derived from past influences. The phrase “creation requires influence” said by Kirby Ferguson in this weeks reading was particularly interesting to me. Almost every idea or thought has been made or created before, but it is the reconfiguration and transformation of these original ideas, that gives new meaning and requires creativity. It is extremely hard to not be influenced by past artists or film makers in the production of films, as everything can be placed in familiar genres and subgenres. I personally believe its extremely important to derive information and influence from past sources. Often older techniques, narratives, actors etc, employ a new meaning and new view point when someone else has remixed their work. The word ‘remixes’ almost gives a bad connotation, as if to say that someone has copied anothers work and used its best elements to recreate. However i believe that remixes are an innovate and creative thing, and are often unintentional. For myself, many genres and techniques are so familiar to me, I wouldn’t even be aware that I am appropriating it, its almost just a reflection of the times I am living in and the society I’m apart of. I think the most important part when talking about remixes is that when doing so, a new meaning or technique needs to be employed in order to not be copying or stealing. Many of the best films in history have been some sort of remix, whether it be a sequel, re-make or adaptation. When it really comes down to it “there is no such thing as an original idea” so we must accept that remixes are part of modern media.

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