Lectorial Week 10 – Institutions

This weeks Lectorial was based on the concept of Institutions; what they are, how they function, and their key practices. The ideals and values produced and how they deliver these are specific to each institution. What qualities make them an institution in the first place. There is an expectation behind certain institutions, and how they are delivered or perceived by audiences. There needs to be a trust between media institutions and their audiences, that they are delivering what they intended and say they will deliver. Institutions embody a community or group of people, whom as a collective, unite and project the same principles and goals. Institutions aren’t only in media, as they can be cultural, social, political or economical institutions (for example, marriage as a religious and cultural institution). Media institutions like others, project ideas/information/arguments etc. onto their audiences and this needs to be done in a unified way for the institution to run effectively. In a group exercise we brainstormed different media institutions, such as Facebook, News Corp, Google and Community Media. In choosing Facebook we were able to outline the basic principle/values/rules etc that surround this institution. Facebook can be defined by its tagline of “connecting people”,  promoting other forms of social media through Facebook (i.e Instagram, twitter) and projecting the efforts of internet.org as a global charity mission to give internet to developing countries. Facebook sets up security measures and terms and conditions as a way of creating order and regulation. Facebook have also integrated themselves into many forms of online media, by enabling Facebook logins on a growing amount of websites. To audiences, Facebook needs to enable trust, through the safety/privacy of personal information as well as protecting audiences from online harm. This is just one example of a media institution and how it functions as a unified practice.


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