Tutorial Week 8

This weeks tutorial focused our attention on project brief 4 and the collaborative process that is this assignment. I was very disillusioned with PB4 when we first received it as i had no grasp of what it was asking us to do. However after discussing with my group in further detail we have come to a common understanding of what we want to get out of the assignment. Our topic ‘mediums’ is so broad that we have decided to focus on the medium of sound specifically and the communication it delivers to an audience. Sound as a medial concept has adapted over time from traditional radio and music platforms to modern podcasts and music websites. Through some of the research I’ve done today I found it interesting to see that radio news and information is now delivered through online podcasts. Information is now so readily available to audiences through podcasts and other medias. Sound is a media that has gone through the transition to a modern medium in an effort to be simplified and able to reach more people. I’ll be conducting more research on specific forms of modern sound mediums such as music sites like Soundcloud and Spotify and well as audio book and other learning devices.

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