I watched this terrible show today, in fact I’m still watching it as i type this blog post. What made me keep watching? I know its horrible, its fair to say the acting is crap and the story line is the most unoriginal narrative I’ve ever sat through. For reasons i will not go into, i will not expose the name of the retched piece. But it got me wondering how hard it really is to create a compelling narrative that is equally original but believable. I mean are there any ideas that are truly original, just like Dan was saying in this weeks lectorial, no matter how abstract or crazy an idea is, someone else has probably had the same idea before. But it honestly frustrates me when something is so crap and its being produced and shown on tv. I mean honestly did no one ever just hint to producers or the funders of the show, oh maybe this might need a re-edit, or does that actor really know what they are doing. I think, particularly in Australia we see re-hashed TV shows and particularly reality programs on TV all the time. Yes we have a small industry and its difficult to fully support all programs as everything can be seen as a risk. But to have no courage at all, just plays for boring TV that delivers little or not originality. I just wish that Australia could produce more original content in the form of television, so far most of this comes from the ABC. Hopefully funding to more creative projects will come about in the next few years. Perhaps as young savvy media students that we are, we could create our own ways of doing this.