Project Brief 3 Reflection – Tutorial Week 7

I enjoyed watching the range of portraits from project brief 3 in our tutorial. Everyone seemed to have a really clear and established idea of what they were presenting and creating in the portrait of somebody else, opposed to portraits of themselves (project brief 2). We were asked to review and discuss someone else’s work, and i will be discussing the video created by Gianna Blundo.
Gianna’s 2 minute video was a completion of thoughts and experiences from the subject presented. I thought the overall aesthetic look of the video was done really well, we see close up angles from the subject as she is interviewed as well as differing angles and framing depths. The dialogued sound was recorded using a lapel microphone and this made the sound crisp and separate from any background noise. The video featured a fluidity and linked the found footage of butterflies in with the experiences mentioned in the interview dialogue.
However I thought the integration of the found footage could be more apparent. There may have been more opportunities where the original footage may have not been necessary and archival images or clips could have been used. Perhaps the use of these alternate shots could have been used to create a more textured video.
I really enjoyed Gianna’s video and I thought all elements came together to create a fluid piece. A professionalism and level of high quality is apparent, especially in terms of technicalities and editing. Below is Gianna’s portrait, and a link to her blog, which explains the video in more depth.

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