A genre of film that can be characterised “by low budget production values and amateur actors, heavily focused on naturalistic dialogue”. I’ve taken a particular interest into mumblecore as an emerging subculture to independent films. There is a authenticity and realness to they way these films are shot and directed. Actors that I’ve seen in big hollywood films are suddenly subjected to a normality and I am able to be apart of the story of the film. I’d love to be able to replicate this style of film in an attempt to create a inclusive and open nature in the storyline. I think i can connect with these films as they are very ordinary in their subject, they are uniquely simple in there ‘disasters’ and the characters actions and reactions are so reminiscent of our own. Happy Christmas directed and written by Joe Swanberg is my favourite mumble core films. With big stars such as Anna Kendrick and Melanie Lynsey, i honestly didn’t expect much from it but was overwhelmed by the inclusive and naturalistic elements of it.This film opens my eyes to the simplicity that film can recreate, grand gestures and unrealistic turn of events isn’t what makes people connect. I felt apart of the characters lives in Happy Christmas as they were so relatable and normal, and a sense of tragedy, comedy and happiness were all achievable in a new kind of way. Often mumblecore uses unknown actors or people who have never acted before again to amplify the storyline and normalcy of the storyline. What’s being dubbed as Australia’s first mumblecore film is Pretty Good Friends directed by Sophia Townsend. I’m looking to see what the film is like and whether an Australian representation takes on an alternate approach to the genre.