What’s A Scholarly Source?

I found this video hilarious, the use of a cat as an informative tool in describing to viewers what a scholarly source is. This video was shown to us doing this weeks lectorial, as a tool to use in the form of how to use scholarly information,but i found joy in the video in a different way. The use of a cat created a light and absolutely hilarious subject to an informational video, it caught my attention and i was intrigued. It gave a comical twist to a not so interesting topic. I always think its very smart when people can think of an intertwine an idea and carry it out through the entirety of a piece. For example the cat is presented as different staff throughout the university community, at one point appearing as a lecturer, teaching and pointing to a board. The cat points to the board that reads as if they are teaching maths, using symbols and brackets etc, except that the board reads ‘meow’ in a scrambled view. Again, genius and resonates with me as a viewer. Comedy is a good source of encouraging memory. I always remember content that is funny, mainly because i want to remember it, and because it makes an unintentional lasting memory. The creator behind this short informative video should be applauded as i am now fully aware of what the RMIT library has to offer on scholarly information; what it is and how i can access it. And cats have never been more hilarious

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