#18 Hypertext (response to reading)

Landow’s extract was about ‘Hypertext’, so to completely understand what exactly hypertext was to avoid confusion I did the obvious thing, by googling the definition:



  1. A software system that links topics on the screen to related information and graphics.
  2. A document presented on a computer in this way.

Then I thought a way to go about the reading, would be to consider and answer the questions posted on the Networked Media page:

  • How does hypertext relate to storytelling in different media formats?
It relates to different media formats in the ways that, storytelling through text can be miscommunicated, this being that in audio and visual there is tone and it is suggestive in the way that it is clearly expressed to the viewers along with images to reinforce these ideas, whereas script has to be detailed in order to fully describe the meaning. This being said, the less descriptive, the more the person reading has to think about, it is more vague and someone may not completely ‘get’ what it is all about. I think I’ve confused myself.
  • Is the work we publish online only validated once it is viewed/consumed by others?
Is it? I don’t think it is, well validated  in the sense that it is out there for anyone to see in the world, but not in the sense that it is legitimate, but I guess that was a given. Just because people see it does not mean that it is valid, and there isn’t a complete way to tell who has seen our work either? Although we do write as if someone else will read it, there may not be anyone who does just that.
  • Do you think the digitalisation of literary texts and the use of the E-reader will eventually replace the physical book completely?

Unfortunately, as much as I hate to admit it, I feel that this is something that is highly likely. However, the minority (like myself) that actually like to read books in their paperback presentation would seemingly be against this technological change. Even my grandparents own an E-reader and are constantly downloading new books to read, which I find strange as it is the younger generation that are welcoming this change more opposed to the older generation. I really hope physical books will stay the same. I don’t even want to imagine people reading Charles Dickens digitally.

Landow, George. Hypertext 3.0: Critical Theory and New Media in an Era of Globalization. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006. Print. (extracts, PDF)

#17 Favourite 80s Movies: The Sure Thing (Rob Reiner ,1985)

This has got to be one of the best 80s movies I have ever seen! Well written, well produced, well acted!.

It stars John Cusack and Daphne Zuniga, their characters despise each other, but they are both trying to get to California for the Christmas break to see their significant others and get stuck together. It basically shows their journey their and they fall in love etc.

The jokes are hilarious, and the mischief that happens along the way is pure gold. There is also an appearance from Nicolette Sheridan (you know Edie from Desperate Housewives?)

100% recommend watching this film.


#16 Writing Space (response to reading)

In this reading, Bolter talks about how writing is a technology, in which the “skills required is to learn to read and write”. It was interesting when Bolter started discussing the significance of being literate and the ability to produce, say a story, both aurally and visually. Visually in the sense that people can see it written down, but also associated through imagination in their heads and aurally through spoken words. The whole idea that we always are in this “writing space” even though we are not necessarily writing all the time, made me think about what this meant. I think that this means that when we arent writing ourselves, we are listening, seeing and thinking with perhaps other peoples work, that we deconstruct to understand through structure and technique.

The whole idea that writing was a “techne”, I thought was pretty thought-provoking, especially the part about Plato and how “techie” was used as a way to describe something of the arts. I like that writing is seen as an art, but I don’t think that it is all art, like medical writing for example that would bore me stiff, I think that seeing writing as an art is more subjective, because not all of it is creative.

Bolter, Jay David. Writing Space: The Computer, Hypertext, and the History of Writing. Hillsdale (N.J.): Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1991. Print. (extract, PDF)


#14 As We May Think (response to reading)

When I began this reading, I started off very reluctant to finish it, procrastinating with cleaning my apartment and every time I would sit down at my desk to begin reading the same sentence over and over again I just got frustrated.

Although this morning I feel like I have made a good effort, in fact I even enjoyed this reading. Perhaps I am still sick?

Anyway, the reading talked about science and the modern world we live in today (well generally, and that’s what I think anyway) I thought it was interesting how it talked about people who worked in specialist scientific areas were losing the means to continue working in their areas in order to create new products, that could potentially help mankind. These devices and inventions that scientists have  created that have benefits and have “extended man’s physical powers” however has created these specialised industries and skills that people need to acquire in order to improve or progress in society.

Do I agree that science and new technological inventions will create progress that is beneficial in society?

Personally I am quite skeptical, I mean I do agree that inventions, such as the internet and computers in general have changed the world. Not necessarily for the better, but it has created this incredible way to communicate and store information. It also has the ability to be just as destructive as it is beneficial. I was reluctant to get Facebook and the only reason I did was to keep in contact with friends and family back in New Zealand. Otherwise I see no real use for it (including other social media), except more time wasted online when I could be doing something physically proactive. More time today is spent in front of a computer (well at least for me) and I do feel guilty, unproductive and well increasingly undeveloped apposed to the internet supposedly created to develop society.

Do I believe that “specialisation becomes increasingly necessary for progress” in general? Yes. Yes I do.

Bush, Vannevar. “As We May Think.” The Atlantic July 1945. The Atlantic. Web. 19 July 2013. (PDF)

#13 Favourite 80s Movies: Class (Lewis John Carlino, 1983)

This film is a good sort, starring Rob Lowe and Andrew Mccarthy, along with appearances from John Cusack, Alan Ruck and Joan Cusack.

It’s a good story about a kid that has an affair with an older woman, who turns out to be his best friends mum. Filled with humour and drama and all things 80s- I love this movie.

And who doesn’t love a young Rob Lowe or Andrew McCarthy (and John Cusack!)


#12 Chew on this:

Okay so I am vegetarian, and have been for 4+ years now. Don’t get me wrong I’m fine with anyone else eating meat, but it’s not for me. I get asked all the time why I don’t eat it and well I usually just give people half the answer “I love animals”.

So I thought that I would share my full views towards the decision I made in my adolescence.

  • No animal deserves to die for MY tastebuds
  • There are so many alternatives in life to survive
  • A whole animal has to die, just for a meal.
  • I’m against animal cruelty and I think that it takes a small person to beat a defensless animal, and it would make ME a smaller person to eat it
  • No living creature wants to see their family slaughtered
  • When animals feel pain, they scream too- they don’t want to die
  • It’s violence we CAN stop.

And I will leave you with a quote from good old Da Vinci,

“I have from an early age abjured the use of meat, and the time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of men.”- Leonardo Da Vinci
Stay gold.

#11 Favourite 80s Movies

I am in love with those classic 80s films; The Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, Pretty In Pink etc. (Basically anything with the brat pack)

Being this junkie, over my time on this earth, I have come across many more 80s movies that do not get nearly enough credit. So every so often I am going to post about a film that was incredible and that I would definitely recommend.

I’m starting with Less Than Zero (Marek Kanievska, 1987)

It stars Andrew Mccarthy and the incredible Robert Downey Jr. in this film based on the book written by Bret Easton Ellis (who also wrote American Psycho) I definitely recommend reading the book if you’re into that kind of thing.

Anyway this film (and the book) have to be high up in my all time favourites. It is a film that is quite contrasting from other 80s films, as this one explore themes of drug addiction, betrayal, depression and various other dark ideas.

The filmography is great, the plot is good (a tad slow at the start but that quickly passes). The acting is quality and the soundtrack is killer, so check it out!

#9 Design Fiction (response to readings- week 3)

Both the readings this week were on design fiction (or DF).

So what I got so far is: design fiction is talking about ideas for the future. I’m a tad confused as to why there is a word for this. I could have heaps of ideas in my head, that I may or may not share with the people around me and they can mean something or nothing- either way, the way this whole “design fiction” thing seems to work, is more or less daydreaming/ coming up with ideas that may or may not be created.

These two reading are implying that this is a brand new concept, when I’m pretty sure it’s been around for a while; only now it has a popular term.

Although I do understand the point when Matthew Ward talks about how we make decisions based upon the future, therefore creating something, or talking about an idea has to have the considerations of the past, present and future in order for it to be beneficial and practical.

Fiction is more important in terms of “design fiction” as it is the fictional idea that gets molded and constructed for practicality, reality, and overall success in the world.

This response may have sounded a little angry/cynical/vague/confusing (well that’s how it made me feel)


Bosch, Torie. “Sci-Fi Writer Bruce Sterling Explains the Intriguing New Concept of Design Fiction.” Slate. Web. 29 July 2013. (PDF)

Ward,, Matthew. “Design Fiction as Pedagogic Practice.” Medium. Web. 29 July 2013. (PDF)