GOOD CONTENT The journey to having a well-received post in PA was a bumpy one. I didn’t exactly know where I should start. Many posts were pictures side by side that displayed similar aesthetics. For example, here are some well-received…

Post Aesthetics: First Impressions (A2)
FIRST IMPRESSIONS I was added to a Facebook group called ‘Post Aesthetics’ about 2 months ago by one of my good friends. I scrolled through the groups feed and was fairly confused by the . It consisted of some self-described ‘dank…
Who do you think I am, Mr.Bubbles9560?
“Yeah, I know what happened five years ago in Miami. You think I’m a fucking idiot? You think I’m Mr. Bubbles 9560? [bowls a near-perfect strike] Nope. You’re dealing with me, bitch. This is a line from one of the…