Edward Snowden
http://i1024.photobucket.com/albums/y306/Hannah_Tepoorten/Screen%20Shot%202016-05-23%20at%203.49.04%20PM_zpsjbnbhv1f.png Last night I went to Think Inc’s An Evening With Edward Snowden. Obviously, Snowden could not be there in person but arrived by controlling a screen and rolling out onto the stage. Not much of the content discussed was…
Trigger Warnings + PC Culture.
In last week’s workshop about audiences, the subject of Trigger Warning’s came up. Specifically about recent events at American Universities. One of the groups in class is doing this as the subject of their PB4 and interviewed me about…

Post Aesthetics: A Final Reflection & Summary
Going into this assignment I felt I already had a pretty good grasp on online communities. What was new to me was creating content for a specific community .I had never done that before and it certainly proved to be…

GOOD CONTENT The journey to having a well-received post in PA was a bumpy one. I didn’t exactly know where I should start. Many posts were pictures side by side that displayed similar aesthetics. For example, here are some well-received…

Post Aesthetics: ETIQUETTE & MODS (A2)
ETIQUETTE & MODS My first step to becoming a more active member of Post Aesthetics was to learn how they (the administrators and frequent posters) defined and structured the group. Post Aesthetics has an entire power point devoted to the…

Post Aesthetics: First Impressions (A2)
FIRST IMPRESSIONS I was added to a Facebook group called ‘Post Aesthetics’ about 2 months ago by one of my good friends. I scrolled through the groups feed and was fairly confused by the . It consisted of some self-described ‘dank…

Feminism: How Media Has Shaped My Opinion
Feminism first came across my social conscience in High School when I was spending a lot of my time online on Hitrecord.org. At the time, HitRecord (created by Joseph Gordon-Levitt) had just had a big relaunch. The interface went from…

TOP 5: Sites
In Networked Media, we were asked to make a list of the top 5 sites we gravitate to or use as resources – prioritising sites that incorporate an element of interactivity or have a ‘niche’ quality about them. This is…

Tonight I watched The Hollywood Reporter’s Screenwriters Roundtable for 2016. I always love watching these roundtables as I enjoy seeing people who are all at the top of their craft discuss their process. This roundtable included Amy Schumer for her…

Technology & Rituals: I fell asleep to you every night.
^^^Don’t I look Cool in my Dwayne Wayne flip-ups?? (The answer is YASSSSS KWEEN!)^^^ In my tutorial today,I had the challenge of discussing technological determinism. Which in short is the idea that technology is the dominant factor is cultural and…