Who do you think I am, Mr.Bubbles9560?
“Yeah, I know what happened five years ago in Miami. You think I’m a fucking idiot? You think I’m Mr. Bubbles 9560? [bowls a near-perfect strike] Nope. You’re dealing with me, bitch. This is a line from one of the…

My Communities
In this week’s Tutorial for Networked Media we started discussing internet communities. Internet communities are something I find extremely interesting – as I am an active participant in many – as well as an active viewer of some. I…

My Hyperlink Journey.
https://vimeo.com/161588756 “Find 2-3 ‘stories’, articles or posts online about your area of interest, that have an interactive element – at least some hyperlinks, but hopefully more than that. This can be anything; news articles, twitter threads, fiction, forums – anything that…