Put on Your Thinking Cap!

While presenting our Self Portrait pieces in the Media 1 workshop today we were instructed to put on a specific hat to critique each other. The 4 hats we wore were:

  1. Yellow – Positive/optimistic, discuss what works well
  2. Red – Immediate gut Reaction,emotional response
  3. Black – Something That doesn’t work
  4. Green – Alternatives, new ideas

I was given the black hat. When it came to critiquing my work I found understanding what doesn’t work to be easy. I obviously know the background of which pieces I put more effort into than others. Because of that I am able to pin point which pieces were weakest in displaying what I wanted.

When having to wear the black hat for others I found it to be a bit trickier. I being the only one handing out negative critique is uncomfortable. But I do realize handing out this critique is a necessary evil.  It is the only way we are able to improve ourselves. In viewing other projects from this point of view I was able to see not only what I was able to relate it to what wasn’t right in mine. I was able to see the similarities in mistakes being made between us.

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