Industrial Revolution – week 1 reading

All of the development and technologies have been invented through industrial revolution have always been relying on the power of digitisation and information technology. Three clusters are addressed in this process, physical, digital and biological. These three clusters based on and get support from each other in order to make progress.


In physical branch, there are four main streams, they are autonomous vehicles, 3D printing, advanced robotics and new materials. Autonomous vehicles dominates the information without a driver. They are developing into more strong function of transferring messages in the environment. 3D printing is also called additive manufacturing. It produces subjects layer upon layer based on model or drawing. Roberts are used in automotive environment for the most of situation. New material is being created based not he principles of lighter, stronger, recyclable and adaptive way.


The key connection between physical and digital branch is the Internet. Internet provides platforms, products, services, places, etc. People is walking through these paths between technologies and platforms. Digital platforms save people a lot of transaction and friction cost. Individuals are sharing the same asset.


After long time researching and huge cost has been spending on it, biological realm has arrived a new level. On the other hand, computing power has been helping scientists go on the right trial.

Internet has been playing an essential role in the industry. It connects everything, it makes the communication faster, easier and more effective. It save money and space.

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