Chungking Express-special express of Wong Karwai

I watched one of Wong karwai’s movie, Chungking Express. In this movie, there are plenty of handheld camera movements. This reminds me of and inspired me that there are plenty of possibilities and shooting angles camera can be. Because of the plenty handheld camera movements, the presented pictures are a bit unstable, however Wong Karwai played with shutter speed and lights a lot in this movie, lots of clear and unclear, shaking and still. This is like his special style in this movie. Also, I found that Wong Karwai is unique about shooting angles, he like shooting from reflections like mirrors. His framing in this movie is alway tight and crowded. I think it’s good because it is conformed to the bustle of city in HK he wants to present.

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I also found mise-en-scene in this movie interesting. Instead of being beautiful, this one is being realistic and that’s also a kind of beauty. There are lots of shots of street view, the restaurant, the food, market, bar, apartment and so on. All of these all the suggestive of modern Hong Kong people’s daily life. It always presents noisy, crowded and real picture to audience and causes common senses. The things and elements Wong Karwai presented in his movie are not beautiful and nice, but it makes people feel it, feel the reality of life, this is the most beautiful thing about this movie. I really liked it.



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