reflection on week11’s shooting exercise

This time, I changed location to shoot the same scene. This time I pay attention to few aspects, continuity, framing, mise-en-scene.

The mopping shot

In this shot, I still did the tilt up shot, but when editing, I will just cut from his feet and mop to his face. Also, I shoot it in another way, first a close up shoot of his feet and the mop, then a wide shot of he mopping the floor in the kitchen. This way audience gets really good explanation.

The dancing shot

To get more and natural jump cuts of dancing, I kept camera rolling all the time he dances.

The get caught shot

After he sees Tash, there is a cut back to his medium close up shot of him saying’ I wasn’t dancing…’ which is missing in last time’s shooting.

This time, whenever I frame up, I will check the background and remove everything unnecessary or not pretty.


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