May 2016 archive
Our group had decided to use video logs, audio logs as one of our platforms to deliver the game’s backstory, instructions, rules etc., so we had arranged a meeting on last Friday to record some footages and audio for the project. We first went to our usual classroom for Story Lab in Building 13 but both rooms were used for other subjects. In the end, we went to Building 9 and found an empty room. But since we were told that there are students coming in at 12.30, we were left with only an hour to get everything done.
We wanted the Leader’s face not to be shown on the screen, giving off a sense of being a mysterious character, but also not a pitch black video which you can’t even tell if there’s anyone there, so I had Farina and Wei Yun to off the classroom’s main light and hold the phone’s torchlights behind Steven’s head and shoulder. This will create the glowing effect (as seen in the picture on the left) as the lights will only outline the shape of Steven’s head and shoulder (some lighting setup I had learned in Advanced Diploma).
We struggled a little bit for the first take as the effects did not come out well according to the way we wanted due to the lack of lightings. The effects would be so much clearer, cooler and more professional if we had a proper light to film with. Since that was not our main focus considering the whole project and also the lack of time for filming, we decided to go on with what we had and went for a second try. On the second take, I exchanged with Farina to be the grip from the cameraman and it turned out well despite the poor lighting.
So we practically didn’t do much in class on the last class of Story Lab. I sort of had a mixture of feelings, though. It’s like feeling happy because the semester is coming to an end, which indicates school break is coming up, and yet thinking back about the semester, I thought to myself what have I learned, what have I done and how well did I do for this studio. Not complaining or giving a piece of my mind about Story Lab but the question rather targets myself. I really love Story Lab and I like the outline of the studio, just that have I been a good student throughout the semester for Story Lab or not. Since we’re in week 12 and we are all busy preparing for our upcoming major group project, our last class was used to do our own work (though I would have loved it if it ended with an interactive talk or activity haha).
Each of us in our group showed the stage of how far we have gotten in creating the puzzles and we still did not have a fixed narrative (the plot has been confirmed a week ago). Steven told us that he would get the script written out on Friday as we had scheduled for a meet up to film for our audio and video logs. Farina and I also decided to create a journal for Isabella as well instead of just having Doctor Kuronoma’s journal. As for my puzzles, I am still going through a tough time in thinking about the ways to rephrase my instructions to prevent misunderstanding of the instructions of the puzzles.
⇒ One of the welcome messages to greet the players before they start the puzzles.
On the way to St Kilda…
I recently came across a South Korean reality TV show called The Genius broadcasted by a cable channel called tvN. It started airing in 2013 with 4 seasons, having 12 episodes and 13 contestants each season. Each episode will have the contestants to compete together in the main match, and will end the episode by eliminating one among the two players who are selected to play a death match, and the last man standing will be the champion of the season. Each contestant is meant to gather garnets to survive each episode, and towards the final episode, the garnets will be granted as prize money. The Genius started off with The Genius: Rules of the Game, The Genius: Rule Breaker, The Genius: Black Garnet and ended with The Genius: Grand Final, which gathers 13 contestants among the first three seasons.
The matches being played require the players to be observant, tactical, have leadership skills and more. The show is very interesting as each player has different kind of charzcter and personality in terms of game playing or gather other contestants to form a group to win the game and survive. It has no rules and regulations when it comes to betrayal, cheating, stealing or bargaining between players (e.g. transfer of garnets between players to win the match), and hence it will result in unexpected plot twist and that results in the viewers to have agency when watching the show.
For example, in season 3 The Genius: Black Garnet episode 10, two players faced off each other at the death match playing the Monorail Game. Each player is meant to create a monorail that cannot be completed to eliminate the other contestant. The puzzle had a fixed start and the players will lose the game if one cannot complete the puzzle. Winner will be determined when one calls out ‘Impossible’. The players can only place one or two puzzles at the same time to create the monorail (two puzzles cannot be seperated when being placed). While watching the game, the male player was seen to have lost the game but he placed another two puzzles to continue the rail. Later his intention was reveled to disrupt the opponent’s mind and lead the opponent to continue on the monorail that cannot be completed, and that gave him a chance to call out ‘Impossible’. This death match requires mind-reading skill, reverse psychological thinking, oberserving skill and tactical planning skill. After watching the entire series, it really gave me a lot of ideas in terms pf creating puzzles for my upcoming group project which my group have decided to develop it into a game. I personally love this show a lot because it is really well developed, either the player’s character or the plot twist or the games. Truly reccommend this show. For those who enjoy watching Liar Game, it is a must to watch this!
The images below show the posters of The Genius season 3 and 4.

P.S. The winner in the death match is the champion of season 3 and the final season.
I had an informal presentation with my group in the class to share our progression of our project to the class. My group mates are in charged of designing the layout of the headquarter, puzzles for the characters, the plot of the narratives etc. After we did our presentation, Dan questioned us the effects of not able to solve the puzzles for the first two stages. As we had not thought about it, we discussed that instead of having two stages of puzzles that are necessary to be solved, we decided to disregard stage two puzzles. Hence, stage one puzzles will need to be solved (Farina will be helping the players by providing hints until the puzzles are solved), and the Raath’s video log message will interfere the Raath Rebellion headquarter in the midst of the players solving stage two puzzles.
Farina and I were thinking to have Isabella’s journal to be one of the hints or not, and we are in the middle of creating Doctor Kuronoma’s journal. Farina basically created the narrative for Dr. Kuronoma’s journal and I will be creating puzzles with the journal as the hints. I’m still in the middle of rephrasing the instructions for the first stage as the instructions are rather unclear and causes confusion. These are the feedbacks I got from a lot of people. As for the second puzzle, since it is not necessary to be solved, I just somehow created it with mathsticks and this puzzle will lead to the date of the placement of the bomb.

Puzzle of the day
Use 6 matchsticks to form 6 triangles. Enjoy 
We had a 2-hour meeting and finally concluded the narrative. The plot will start off with the leader of Raath Rebellion welcoming the new members with a video log and later each head members of different departments will then introduce themselves and deliver each trial missions for the players to complete. After the players complete the trial puzzles, they then will reach the second level of trial and will be reported that the Raath has planted an explosive in the headquarter of Raath Rebellion. The mission for the players is to figure out the location of the bomb and the time the bomb explodes. As we were advised by the guest lecturers that we may have a set ending but is allowed to have slight changes in it. In conclusion, the narrative will have three different stages of puzzles to be solved to complete the mission.
There are a lot of ideas for the puzzles related to Isabella the tactician of the group, btu due to the undecided narrative and endings, the puzzles cannot be fully developed. It will be easier as we have finally concluded the narrative. I have created different puzzles with research and allow the members to try out and discuss about the relevancy and difficulty of the puzzles. As we were having another story lab class on the next day, puzzles creating members will have to come up with each own puzzles and finalize the ending of the narrative. We also need to talk about the relevancy between the puzzles and the narrative.
This is the final logo for the Raath Rebellion.
Liar Game is a Japanese manga originally created by Shinobu Kaitani in 2005. It is later being broadcasted as a TV series under the same name in 2007, running 11 episodes. A sequel Liar Game: Season 2 was produced and released in 2009. Two live action films are produced: Liar Game: The Final Stage in 2010 and Liar Game: Reborn in 2012. A Korean TV Series has also adapted the Japanese Season 1’s plot under the same name Liar Game. Liar Game is widely popular even until today with its mysterious and quirky narrative. So what is Liar Game?
Liar Game talks about an innocent and naive high school girl, Nao Kanzaki receives a bag of 100 million yen one day and is announced to be the last participant of a fictional reality TV show named Liar Game Tournament. The objective of this fictional show is to provoke the contestants desire to win an unbelievable amount of money and there are no rules to stop them from cheating or lying or stealing from other contestants, but on the other hand, the losers will have to pay off an unbearable amount of debt for their losses. As Nao is cheated by her high school teacher in the first round, she looks for the con man named Shinichi Akiyama for help. They win the first round of game and as Shinichi tries to convince Nao to leave the show, he realizes that the show actually has darker intentions and decides to help the Nao and the other contestants by going through different games with increasing difficulties.
Since I am in charged in creating one of the puzzles, I though watching this show will help in creating puzzles as it involves in different genres of games like role playing game, mind reading game, tactician game, and etc. For example, towards the mid part of the story of the Korean version, there is a game which involves the contestants to figure out the majority of Yes or No, and the losers will be the ones who cannot figure out correctly and get eliminated from the game. It involves in observing, thinking and planning skills in order to win the game. The show is truly inspiring and interesting, and it also has a very good progression in terms of the narrative and character development.

Truly recommend this show, it is a MUST watch.
After having a few meetings about our upcoming project, we decided to make in into an episodic game. So basically the rough narrative of episode one will have The Resistance to recruit trainees, and the players will be playing the trainees role. The players will be greeted by a welcome video log for joining the resistance team. A senior Resistance member will be in the video log passing the training mission for the players. This is the stage where the players will be presented with simple tutorial puzzles as we decided to have a tutorial level for the players to have a slight idea of different criteria needed for different characters.
After the tutorial stage, the narrative continues with the Raath successfully infiltrating the headquarter of the Resistance, and the trainees will find out that the Raath has planted a bomb in a room in the headquarter (room yet to be confirmed), and so the game starts with the players working together to find out where the bomb is and disarm the bomb. As the others are working on posters and a lot more, I will be in charge of creating a list of tactician puzzles for Isabella the Brain and Stefan will be creating spec ops puzzles. Nurfarina is in charge of creating a layout of the Resistance’s headquarter to allow the puzzles to fit the game better. The plot of the story has not been decided so we have to search for different ideas for the plot and puzzles to fit in with other puzzles.
We had a group presentation which lasted for around 5 minutes with two guest lectures and Daniel on Week 8. Steven and Nurfarina spoke on behalf of the group to introduce the beginning phase of our project which involves two parties: The Raath and The Resistance. Wei Yun was in charged of the presentation slide preparation. After our presentation, the guest lecturers suggested us that normally there will only be an ending to a puzzle game as our description suggested that we might have more than an ending depending on how the game goes according to different decisions made. Rather than expanding the narrative with different ending, they suggested that it will work better if we focus on an endin with slight difference in the narrative.
After the presentation, our group sat down for a quick meeting to talk about each group member’s roles and focus on the narrative. We could not make up our mind in terms of the narrative as it is the core for the puzzles to develop. We are deciding whether to have a cross puzzle, which is like having the player to learn and play more than one character) or focus on a single character to reach to the end of the game. In the end, we all agreed that having a crozz puzzle might gain more interest and the audiences will turn out to have stronger agency.