Do you think that in the future we will face issues with too many machines? Will people have jobs or will the machines and robots take over?
Do you think that in the future we will face issues with too many machines? Will people have jobs or will the machines and robots take over?
A little bit of class fun as an interactive way of understanding the control we are giving up for our projects with Offenburg.
The past week has been an upward journey on the learning curve for me and I really think I’m beginning to achieve the things I hoped/declared I would at the beginning of the semester. I’ve handed in my first assignment, the essay, and was mildly…
When pondering what mattered to things in my bedroom I realised I was surrounded by dead things. Things that were once naturally living but no longer do. This came about when Adrian wondered about the Pine desk in our classroom, he stated ‘does the desk…
truculence: eager, quick to argue, displaying ferocity, savage, aggressively defiant. clamour: loud, confusing, insistent, shouting loudly things: stuff, not just objects what can I do with this? use it when creating something based on a topic. use it as a way to think about…