Not so simple

When listening to recordings and podcasts previously in my life I never thought deeply enough about them as to how they were made and the effects present, background sounds etc. After lightly analysing the recording in this week’s workshop I am seeing the entire media…

Project Brief 2 Reflection

Project Brief 1 – Video Portrait So I’m not the most experienced filmmaker but through this movie I tried to show where and how I grew up. Driving lots, surrounded by dogs, playing netball, spending a lot of time in my room reading and avoiding…

Stealing sunshine

Steal my sunshine – Len was released in 1999. I have childhood memories of this song and still to this day know every word. My dad used to play it all the time to me and my siblings and we would scream it out the…

Go Pro

I’ve never before made a film so unlike the title suggests I most certainly am not a pro. Plenty of people that I’ve talked to in this course have been making films for years as they studied media and similar courses through school. I however…

Follow the Yellow hat road

Yellow – Positive/likes Red – first reaction or first judgement/assumption Green – A different creative option/suggestion Black – Something that doesn’t work or negative To analyse others’ work and have to tell them your feedback. I’m currently sitting waiting for feedback on my own blog…

Haiku-na matata

Welcome to my failure of a Haiku. My first film making experience. Filming by Beth Morrison Ceyda Resuloglu Grace Thomas For this film I wanted to capture the popularity of cycling in Melbourne and my support for cycling around rather than driving cars which use…

Short yet tall

Using a form of media to capture a form of media that advertises media to write about in my media workshop. Interesting. This weeks lecture closed with us leaving in groups to record every form of media we were faced with. I was positioned at…

NONstructive criticism

When instructed to give feedback to others about their creative self portrait I didn’t exactly look forward to it but I figured it wouldn’t be that difficult. I mean I can think up plenty of criticism for my own work, so I assumed it’d be…

Creative Self Portrait

Through this assignment I tried to capture things that I particularly enjoy or make up a large part of me. As we were prohibited to edit it straight out captures elements of my life as they appear to me rather than what I wished they…

August Rush

Editing requires particular skills and knowledge to master. The three main features that need attention are the story, rhythm and emotion. These three things together cannot be achieved by filming alone and that is why editing is such an important process in film making. In…