So I have a first semester of Communications media under my belt. It was definitely a challenging first semester. I felt like I had thrown myself into the deep end with this course. As i have had no prior media practice; i.e editing, filming and audio, i was quite out of my depth. However the simple tasks helped to ease myself into it without feeling too overwhelmed.
Through this semester i have learnt all sorts of new information. The lectorials were usually understandable and engaging. particularly Dan was a really good speaker and always had an engaging way of getting his point across. This semester i have come to realise that i learn in a combination of ways, i learn in short activities. If we have been given a whole lot of information about a particular topic, i will retain more of that information if i was asked to do a short activity or blog post or answer a question after. Rather than, say, trying to write it down as the lecturer is saying it or red it over. Therefore i thought the regular blog posts was a really good way to keep everyone involved and continuously thinking about the current topic rather than simply the next assignment.
Light bulb moments for me usually came in the middle of a lecture. I had particular trouble with Project Brief 3, the media portrait. And i didn’t know how to craft it. In the week 4 lecture, Liam Ward spoke about editing and not having to fill in all the blanks for the audience. That sent me off on a stream of ideas in the middle of the talk. So i took notes and at the end of project 3 i was happy with how it turned out and that lecture was probably a defining moment for me.
Overall, I’m still not sure about Media. I have enjoyed and benefitted from it but the editing and creating and filming was intense for me and its not particularly what I see myself doing in the future.