- Media is the Integration of Theory and Practice
Our 4th Lectorial inspired me. Up until this point I was still struggling with project 2. However the second speaker, Liam Ward, with his clear explanation and intelligent thinking in regards to editing calmed me and shed light on my situation. I quickly, mid-lecture, turned the page of my notebook and wrote a quick plan and returned to his talk about breaking media and the importance of giving the audience a chance to fill in the blanks and use their imaginations. It all made perfect sense to me and related to the readings of the week. Scott McClouds ‘Blood in The Gutter’ was a very clever and witty exploration of the comic and the ways in which the artist forces the reader to fill in the ‘gaps.’ It can easily be related to my current challenge of editing my media depiction of myself. A definite food-for-thought lesson.
Scott McCloud, 1993, ‘Blood in the Gutter’, Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art (Northampton, MA : Tundra Pub)