Shooting Days

The script’s done. The cinematography’s planned out. The locations and gears booked in and the call sheets were handed out. The crews are ready… and now the shoots?…


Our studio shooting days have spread across week 9 and 10. Our group was glad we could help Marissa, Trong and Alex’s group for their shoot in week 9, which came to be the earliest group who started the shoot. We all travelled to a beautiful suburb… somewhere in Essendon to shoot their film called “Let Us Play” starring children as their characters. Both Dea and I crews as the continuity people and I’ve gain a great deal of experience not only in minor production responsibilities but also learned few sound techniques from Trong. Overall, the setting was amazing despite its distance from our home campus.

During this week 9, our group started to assign roles for the crews organise for our shoot in week 10. Dea, the producer had done all the bookings, scheduling and call sheets to be handed out. James was finishing up the shot lists, storyboard and lighting techniques while brainstorming all the set ups and cinematography for the shoot while I brainstorm the sound design. Finally, I finished the final script and handed it out to our potential actors who applied to our film ad. in Although we’ve found our main lead for “Ryan”, the past few days we’ve had a challenging time deciding our main lead actress who would play the role of “Julie”. We had 96 applicants in total for our listing at Starnow which came down to 26 shortlisted. Therefore, these few days of week 9 is organised to meet these actors after their auditions.

In week 10, we have prepared the call sheets, crews and everything else for the shoots. Our film was scheduled as a three-day shoot from Thursday the 12th of May until the 14th of May on Saturday. The first two days went really well that we finished on time and even early. Having seen the slap performed by our actors seemed to be the highlight of the shoots. Though on Saturday was challenging and windy. We had a really hard time picking up the pace due to exterior sound problem and technical difficulties. Most of our extras also cancelled. Though, we have managed to work it out and solve our problems with re-recording the dialogue separately and turns out to be great. After all, it was a mind blowing and fun experience!

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