Brief 4 in progress…

Looking through various and heaps of articles for our research, I have found several interesting timeline for audio technologies and informations throughout the evolution.

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From these researches, Bianca, Patrick and I put the whole information into the script for the audio recording.

Adding to our minutes, we’ve met in week 11 to finish off our script and went into the studio. Patrick had taken care of borrowing the recorder and the mics and setting them all up and ready for recording. Bianca, having the nicest voice gave her narration in a great and successful speech. It was quite a long day after having a second take for Bianca’s narration and Patrick downloading all the voice notes and ready for editing. But I’m happy and relieved that we have made progress in this project with both Patrick and Bianca being helpful teammates. This is a photo of the sound-proof studio we went to do our recordings:



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