The presentation day

The presentation day isn’t only long but interesting in a way that opens up my ideas about other studios as well. Having watched other groups’ films during our screening has inspired me regarding the ‘ear’, the visuals and capabilities to utilise creative components of filmic methods to deliver that ‘ear’. Being in the editing team, I contributed by doing an interview I went with Dea to preview our film “Juvies” while James helped edit our trailer. Beforehand, we had also have a screening of the whole studio’s films with our casts and crews.

Whole Class Films

This would be the trailer for “Juvies”.

As a director…

You’ve gotta be…




Keep Calm

Before we had our shoots, I attended the studio workshops James had organised for us. These workshops allows us to explore a deeper understanding of lighting principles and cinematography techniques and some directing tips from James himself and Peter White. Our group have had tries to set up our camera and lighting points and figured that we won’t need much LEDs, spotlights or other heavy lighting as we will take advantage of the natural sunlight. Beside cinematography, we’ve also gain a great deal of tips and knowledge about producing and directing. Here are some dos and don’ts that will save us from glitches during the shooting days and the process after.

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