Project Brief 3; Panel Discussion

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Our week 7 studios were open for our project presentation to the panels. My partner Dyy and I both presented our similar interests about framing and have developed our idea for a short film experiment. Upon exploring previous activities such as the gallery ramble, the 50 frames and investigative essay, both of us are inspired by the setting aesthetics of our photographs while interested in valuable theorist ideas. Our idea is based on Vertov’s idea of camera as extension of men and whether or not film can think. We are intended to portray this by using point of view shots of the character’s perspectives and include several test shots. What we are trying to acheive here is also using camera movements which then everything in the frame moves just as when an individual runs and views the surroundings. Along with dark settings and chirascurro lighting, this will assist our horror-genre approach in our frames aesthetics. These test shots comprises of different angles and perspective to compare to the original “point-of-view” shot and each of us will edit these footages differently according to our own perception or thoughts.

These are some of the feedback we have received from the panel:

  • How do you reflect on the process once you’re done?
  • Is it possible to make the film in sections, reflect in parts — do sketches

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