The Major Witch Project

So… cinema studies has been interesting. A lot had been going on, just that I haven’t really post anything here about it :/ Though one main assignment is our group project to present a blockbuster popular movie of our own choice and explore its contents and ideas. Thus, Hanna, Olivia, Monaliza and I, being in a group, choseĀ The Blair Witch Project, 1999 by Eduardo Sanchez and Daniel Myrick. Based a realistic style and processes, both directors had filmed these infamous actors in a real-world setting and actually deprived them of food. This is to create the more natural realistic film, where audience might have even thought of the film as being a series of found-footage of the Blair Witch. Moreover, these actors are carefully chosen from new infamous actors to encourage more of the make-belief these people really got lost in the woods kind of thing.

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