Feedback on Brief 4 so far

On 2nd Draft

All of the groups have presented in our week 12 practical to received some feedback. I’m really fascinated by what others had done so far; with media artefacts such as video games, documentary films, and audio podcast. As it was our turn to present our audio documentary, we’re glad that it went well and grateful for Rachel’s comments:

  • Volume can be louder, so the background sounds will not distract the voice delivered.
  • Needed more references to peer-reviewed, academic texts as evidences.
  • Variety can be added to add texture to the whole artefact.
  • the dialogue went quite fast and therefore, slowing down or giving more pauses encourage the listener to process and retrieve the information better.

Up and ready to polish our project once again, we used some of the extra practical time to get going. While adding to our annotated bibliography and our minutes, Patrick was improving the edits on the piece based on Rachel’s feedback. Then to further make progression into our piece, I went home and recorded myself saying the quotes to add texture on the piece and sent it off to Patrick for the edits. That is all for now, so far so good and I can’t wait to listen to the final progress after the editing is done!

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