The Satirical New & Old iPhone

One of the first assessments in our popular culture course started off as blogging and v-logs. Also relating to week 12 lectorial here. Focusing my idea on social networking and smartphone technologies, I did my video log based on a satire written in the past as a high school activity:

I love my IPhone 4s.

Its plain white colour, silver bitten apple logo on its back, its long touchable screen and soft slippery textured round button below its screen I have pressed 12 trillion times… Maybe more.

The colourful background image I can always change and the sparkly cases I can always dress it with.

 Whenever I hear its voice, I connect with those all around the world. The more I use it, the more sound it produces. When it sings, its voice soothes me. I would always remember the sound of Siri, the moments we have spent trying to understand each other.

It was during Valentine’s day when the button came off. I tried to fix it but it’s no use. A year later its screen cracked, painting a peacock’s open tail. Many people would left already, having met a new defined IPhone 5 or even 6 plus.

But I’ve been reminded of the memories it holds and the beautiful places it took me as we travelled with Safari browser airline. Certainly I would not just replace it. But to safe it, fix it, nurture it and keep charging it. Certainly, till death do us part.

 We have been a technological determined society and whether or not it is based on materialistic values, it seems that we do need technologies to survive the current world of media. Having both pros and cons aspects, technological innovations such as smartphones and social networking sites do benefit and have a significant change in people’s lives. We are able to contact and socialise to those far away from us, perhaps in other side of the world. But it can also disconnect us from those near us, as close as two metres away. 


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