
My friend introduced me to this new app called Yik Yak. Wow another social media. It’s pretty cool though, as it is a twitter-like app but the fact that we posts things anonymously makes it a lot less personal. Plus, safer I guess in a way that no one can stalk you that easily. Other “yakkers” could also vote on the posts or down-vote… Don’t take it too personally there yakkers! Having to determine our location, we can only vote or comment to those around us, as in those who are roughly in the same area as us. So, I thought I could try it out and download the app on my iPhone.

What I’ve posted there for the first time got 28 votes, which is okay and made me hyper for a while. So proud of myself! Jokes… It’s just that feeling when others like your idea or thoughts, to feel that you have entertained some in those social apps.


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