Satire is a very intriguing aspect of comedy and this week i had an educational and hilarious time participating in class and through our sketch of the week. My understanding of this weeks comic form is pretty significant to my sense of humour. I enjoy satire comedy hugely through comedies that basically smartly trick people through an act of comedy and just troll people, a huge example of this although not mentioning him recently, Sacha Baron Cohen’s characters such as Borat and especially Ali G, plus his show ‘Who is America’, his acts are hilarious at showing how stupid people are and how funny and reckless he is towards submitting to this character and just making these people believe who he is in a serious manner. Learning through the readings this week, i learnt that Satire requires “targets to a peculiar given society at a particular moment in its history” (Caterson, 2005). This means that satire is the target, its something in the world, this could be mainly social, something in the everyday life, something in our world and broken down and dramatized comedically. In class this week i learnt a lot too. We found the difference between satire and parody where parody draws on and highlights aesthetic conventions and satire draws on social ones. In class we also watched three important videos of satirical comedy, i enjoyed the British show Brass Eye the most. In this episode we follow English Comedian Chris Morris who satirically hosts a news program and in this episode he exposes the issues and concerns with drugs. In this video he goes through hilarious efforts into making a new drug that stops drugs called cake and tricks many famous people into promoting it. In my media artefact this week, i had a lot of fun with satire. In my group we created an army recruitment satire advertisement where we used satire to the idea of ‘Naarm Core’. Our artefact responded with this through breaking the social life of young people and their cringe sort of lifestyle that is trending on social media. In this week i learnt that comedy’s relationship to other genres through this idea is very progressive, it has been going on all the time and can satire any particular event and societal moment, an example could be Dr Strangelove to Monty Python to even Jojo Rabbit.
Caterson, S. (2005) A preposterous life, Griffith Review.