In this chapter Judy Wajcman looks at the consumption of time that is caused by the advancements of technology. She begins by presenting a theory from economist John Maynard Keynes, who speculated, one hundred years ago, that in the modern age workers will have 3-hour workdays that will be sufficient to provide our needs. He assumed that with the development of technology would result in a solution for the world’s economic problems allowing us to obtain our needs within a proportion of the work time.
However the results have been the reverse. The rapid pace of computers, communication and transport has created a sense of pressure in life. Devices that were thought to benefit us in the sense of providing an abundance of time have created a world where life feels rushed. Wajcman dubs this time we live in as an acceleration society where technology doesn’t increase leisure instead increases the pace of life.
Wajcman showcases how technological changes have affected the nature of work, notions of parenting, upbringing of families and consumption patterns. Towards the rest of the chapter Wajcman she discusses the multiple manners technology affects time and offers possible solution to create more time.