This post is slightly different in the way that it’s a response to something occurs very frequently in my life and in the life of people in general. The topic that’s on my mind currently is the fact that people can have different opinions. This is something that interests me so much because, in my experience, it’s something that can be very exciting as well as frustrating. As I mentioned in one of my previous blog posts I browse the Internet for movie news, as I am huge fan of films. One of the interesting things when it comes to discussing a particular film is the amount of different opinions people can have about the same film.
Some people may call a film a masterpiece; others will look at that same film and see it as trash. It’s fascinating to me that how one person can look at a piece and another person sees something completely different. One of my most recent experiences would be with a film titled ‘Man of Steel’, and if you don’t know what the film is its Superman. The reaction to this film was directly split, some people absolutely loved it others completely hated.
I loved it, as a fan of Superman to me it’s the best incarnation of the character, and I saw the film having a great deal of depth, great story, well written characters, amazing acting, visuals, score etc. There are people who have told me they felt the opposite upon their viewing of the film; they thought the story was weak, characters lacking development, and basically the opposite of everything I have listed above. I frequently ask people ‘did we see the same film?’ because its beyond me on how and why people see things differently, especially when some groups people have so much in common.
In my experience with this film some people have said that I have one of the worsts tastes in films, just because I liked it, but then I often discover that the people I’m talking to have a similar kind of taste, and when it comes to stuff like that my mind is taken back, because I tend to think if we have grown up with, and love so many classic films, like Star Wars, Jurassic Park, and we essentially have very similar likes, how can we completely see one film in a very different way. Because these people claim that I have bad taste, but we almost like the same thing, so does that mean they have bad taste too?
I understand that opinions are subjective and not everyone will ever see things the same way, but what fascinates me is the meaning behind that. If everything is based on opinions, people always argue their different viewpoints, so is there really a sense of right and wrong? I know the answer to this question will also vary if one was to give an answer.