an icon of Infinite possibility or a menacing symbol


>>>>>>>>Light source<<<<<<<<<<<<

In my opinion, when Light is constricted to a source, a source which shapes it, it offers a limitless amount of interpretative possibilities. For instance, the circle, commonly understood as the symbol of infinity can suggest just that, however, the constant ticking of the light on and off within the circle suggests a foreboding nature. Once again, what appears to be a seemingly mundane element, has now, once framed through a camera lens, become symbolic.



same old me… but hopefully a little brainier

New year. New classes. New me 🙂 who am i kidding, same old me. Don’t be confused by the apparent pessimistic undertone of that comment; I’m keen to learn, keen to grow, keen to learn about K..Korrseee..korsikiii.. ummm… Look,  my newly acquired knowledge doesn’t require perfect pronunciation, and as such, I will attempt to explain my infantile knowledge of kk.. koorrssii.. oh stuff it:

We go through our high school years being trained to recognise and develop linear story lines and then….BAM let’s flip the entire mechanics of such cause and effect chains and think about a poetic, non-linear delivery of associative yet paradoxically random events. It blows my mind while simultaneously opening a world of possibilities. Sometimes we have unseasoned ideas looping around in our minds. You try to organise these ideas.. to collate them in hope of forming a logical sequence of events. No matter how much you try though… you just can’t seem to create a chronological explanation. So maybe you give up your attempt to make ‘sense’ of these ideas. Try a poetic, perhaps jarred or disruptive portrayal of these crazy ideas.

I’m currently in my tutorial, watching a video that embodies this exact concept. It’s called ‘Experience’. Now, these experiences don’t necessarily have a clear, obviously associated link to each other. The thematic link appears to be this idea of exactly that: Experience. There is no sense of a sequential development of an individuals lifetime. It’s… different. It’s interesting. Although I can’t identify with a ’cause and effect’ linearity I find my connection with the poetic nature of it. The poetry manifests itself in the thematic basis of this video. That’s good enough for me. I feel if a piece of work can engage you in any manner, then it is successful; no matter how different it is. Now, the program Korsokow allows you to create this kind of work, to organise, or rather, disorganise your ideas into a piece of art. It’s mechanisms inhibit the production of a formulaic, linear storyline and encourage you to view your ideas in a different way.

Take a look yourself 🙂



Just another awesome blog on rules and regulations.

This week’s reading on protocol I found primarily interesting due to its subtle rebuttal (interesting choice of words when reading aloud) of the general consensus that is: the internet is some kind of a chaotic, uncontrollable sea of waves ( at last that’s how I saw it when I had begun this course…). The reason contemporary culture isn’t generally perceived in this way also, is the codes and conventions that govern our actions within society. PROTOCOL. We do not formulate our actions based on pure randomness and completely unrestricted will. For instance. You get billed. You pay your bill. You avoid debt or fine. In the same way, the internet exists within such constraints, all categorized under the umbrella term of PROTOCOL. I read a great blog about this reading which takes the idea further in terms of Protocol allowing the internet a sense of true democracy or “communism” in its equalisation of different networks..



Intertwingling : it’s a funny sounding word.

I’ll tell you now, the only association the title above has with the content of this blog is that it broadly refers to the fact that all of the networked media is connected in some way,shape or form…

I won’t lie,  I found the unlecture rather dull this week… Perhaps due to the fact that I have no interest in video games whatsoever. However, I enjoyed understanding the connection between video games ( something I don’t particularly enjoy) and X- factor ( a show I do enjoy). Shows like the X-factor are modeled on the foundational elements of a video game. As Adrian points out, you have an “arbitrary set of rules and a master”. Each contestant then competes against another and to win the competition…. I had never even made such a connection in my mind between these two mediums. Interestingly enough, they’ve designed a video game based on the x-factor. Without being aware of it, the creators of this game are traveling in circles by basing a show on a video game, then basing a video game upon that very same show..mind boggling to say the least.