

Sugar. The white stuff we know as ecstasy, well not quite, but close enough. The sensation of promptly dipping your pinky finger into a vanilla cake batter and placing it to your tongue can be euphoric. Gentle, lovable, pretty, soft, smooth, fragrant, delightful, luscious and mouth-watering, sugar provides us with that instant gratification as we dip, swirl or bite. Sweetness is a reward, we conclude the evening with a dessert as we desperately clutch onto the last few moments of the night’s crescendo. The unparalleled joy of when your mother allows you to choose “only one” lolly from the supermarket, “we can get an ice cream if you behave”, celebrating another slice of life with a slice of cake. I wanted to compile various sounds associated with memories of sugar, as they tend to evoke a natural an innocent moment of pleasure.

What you felt worked well and not so well about this piece?

I found that particular sounds may have been unidentifiable for some listeners as they are perhaps better recognised with visual accompaniment. I typically utilise film in correlation to audio as opposed to audio alone for my typical media creations thus the third piece was much more of a learning exercise for me.

What also perhaps worked not so well was the quality of my sounds, this is something that I would like to improve on further for future audio projects as my skill and knowledge of microphone setup is very limited. 

I feel as if heightening certain sounds as opposed to others worked very well, doing this created a more intense and immersive sensory experience for listeners. In addition, my audio really worked well in correlation to some copyright free sound effects. I began this experimentation process with the intention of utilising entirely my own sounds, however during post production, I found that my audio could be intensified with the accompaniment of others. 


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