For my personal creation, I decided to evoke sensations of discomfort, chaos and disarray through the display of sporadic lines and shapes in accordance to volume of audio. Within class, we were shown a MAX creation that I really admired, however it required tactile interaction in order to trigger the appearance of shapes. So in order to involve a non-tactile element, I decided upon sound, as I had explored it within my previous studies. Within my third study, I had explored pitch through the utilisation of a keyboard provided to the user, whereby for this study I chose to have volume govern the outcome of the piece. Due to my lack of knowledge of MAX, as I did for my previous studies, researched an array of methodology in order to guide this creation. I also found that exploring my classmate’s creations also helped me be able to construct what I had envisioned. On a general level, the purpose of the piece is to, as I stated above evoke feelings of discomfort, however, upon creation I found that this piece was actually quite decorative, the way the lines and shapes interact with one another reminded me of a cubist painting. So it didn’t quite fulfil the intended purpose of chaos, yet the unsettling effect may actually be caused by the partial control the user has yet not being able to govern the ultimate appearance of the ‘art piece’ in which they had created through their choice of volume. Ultimately there are numerous ways to interpret the piece apart from is playful nature.