I now pronounce you… Facebook Official?

In an age where it seems as though technology permeates the lives of us all, It was incredibly predictable my number one personal problem of the week revolves entirely around the advances of technology, which in this case is Social Media; The Fantastic world Of Facebook.
Yes boys and girls, your immediate assumptions about this blog post are correct, the time has come where I, Georgia Grant am embarking upon an exciting new relationship with one of the Male kind, (Yeah… bitches be jealous). So, you would think that once a girl has past all the ‘Dating Drama’ – the nervousness whilst getting ready, the hours deciding what to wear when you don’t even know where this random stranger is going to take you, the first greeting “do I just say hello, or hug him and say hello?”, the uncomfortable small talk and of course the awkward lead up to your first kiss – and once he’s FINALLY asked you to be his girlfriend, all of the anxiety would be over right? Pfft, NO… Of course not! we live in the age of 2013! We are not yet -how do I put this without sounding extremely lame- “Facebook Official”.
These are the times in my life where I wished I lived in the 1850’s, where the only technology around was those groovy wooden toys, the tough decision of deciding whether to buy the Samsung Galaxy or the IPhone was not prevalent and the pain of trying to redeem 20 dollars from your Itunes card onto your account to pre order One directions new single “Best Song Ever” did not exist! But unfortunately for me, I don’t live in the 1850’s and those previous problems along with the challenge of approaching the delicate subject of becoming ‘in a relationship’ on Facebook is exceedingly present.
As Ironic as this sounds as I am currently sitting here typing a blog post on my nifty Mac desktop, an overriding question seems to flow in and out of my consciousness quite frequently- was humanity more simple and effective before technology and social media existed? There were no computer viruses, your school work never deleted itself due to a device crashing and instead of sitting there numbingly waiting by the phone for a guy to call, you would either see them again orrr you wouldn’t – SIMPLE AS THAT. Not to mention that these days one does not only physically exist on earth, but also exist in this crazy place called the “World wide web”! What, was the fact that we were only given one physical human body each, not good enough or something? It completely baffles me that not only do I have to establish a relationship with someone in the real world, but I also have establish it on Social media. Quite frankly, it is quite exhausting and perhaps unnecessary. Especially because there are so many options to define a “Facebook relationship” as well; Am I in a normal relationship? Is it Open or complicated? Gosh, I don’t know it only started a week ago! Does the amount of Facebook likes it receives define everyone’s approval of the relationship itself? If so, what is the appropriate time of day it should be published it in order for the status to obtain the most exposure? But most importantly HOW ON EARTH do I approach the subject without coming across as materialistic and freaking the poor kid out.
This all sounds so ridiculous, and quite frankly- kind of is. Yet Thousands of intelligent emotionally capable human beings stress over these types of problems every single living day. Maybe Mark Zukerburgs’ “Fantastic world of Facebook” is not so fantastic after all, but should rather be described as the “Frivolous world Of Facebook.”
I guess I should probably stop talking on my Iphone to best friend and wasting hours of my time pondering over such nonsense. I probably could of figured out a way to cure cancer or stop Global Warming ,with all this brain stimulation.
Ps: Lets just hope the guy this is all about does not lay eyes on this post. But if so, I apologize sincerely. Oops.