A Blog you Say…?

Wow, okay… I have a blog now. Sick. Ive always wanted a blog! Wait… have I? I think i have. I like fashion blogs, and one of my friends from high school has a blog so they must be pretty cool right? Apparently Blogs allow us to develop an online personal as well as a physical one and a can be a cost effective way of ‘getting yourself out there’. So as this is all extremely exciting and i’m finding it quite hard to express my level of excitement on the subject, I wrote a rap. It is entitled “Blog Doggy Dog”. Enjoy.
So I’m Studying this subject, its called networked media, Apparently we’re not allowed to use Wikipedia,
Instead were asked to make this thing called a Blog, I discussed this subject deeply with my best friend Mog,
We said, how . on. earth do we make this, to make our thoughts relevant, we gotta create shit.
But sucsessful blogging doesnt just take place in class, you gotta work consistantly, put your social life last.
Were like, “Elliot Eliiot cant you see, we’re struggling with this, you gotta work with me,
We know weve gotta focus on this subjects content, but please Elli please To what extent?”
Hes like Lesson 1 : Whats a Blog? In order to conceptualize please shut up Mog!
A blog is basically a web publication, reverse chronological is the posts illustration.
Blogs- they allow us to create this medium, to strengthen hypertexts, sorry girls bout the tedium.
This mediums loqacious, informal and capacious, and to make a really good one youve gotta be audacious.
Blogs can be conversational, proffessional, or personal, scholarly or humorous or just damn cynical.
Now to know why they’re useful we gotta move to lesson 2, how to express your online voices- ill show ya what to do.
They help you document your practise, to reflect and learn, to nurture peer support and express your concerns.
Im like ” Elliot, are blogs kind of like journals?, sorry to be annoying i just need to be verbal.”
He says yes, its kinda like a dear diary sitch, except it is a public document so don’t be a bitch!
Its sorta like youve gotta just imagine your audience, initially they aren’t there to give you ‘applaudience’.
Last but not least we gotta move to lesson 3: about the benefits of blogging- contributing the community.
but ultimately – it acts scaffoldingly – expressive ‘viroments emerge, making a networked family.
So to all you try hard hipsters out there in my tute, i hope you’ve listened carefully, don’t want a dispute!
Have fun blogging along, and singing your song, and no matter what you post just know its not wrong!
Miles, Adrian. “Blogs in Media Education: A Beginning.” Australian Screen Ed 41 (2006): 66–9. Print.