16.03.15 Unpublished

Experiencing my first editing today in the lectorial I began to wonder what is the purpose of editing, aside from the obvious; to tell a story and piece together information. What else can you achieve? There are countless effects and ways to manipulate images and sound, how does this affect the viewer? Perhaps editing has […]

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But really?

A certain few things have flung but and smacked me hard enough to plaster me to the pavement. Regardless, my readings and assignments seem to be up to date and many things seem to be ticking along.

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Edward de Bono

The six thinking hats were used today in the tutorial as we discussed one another work in depth. This meant we were not allowed to say it was “Good” or “Not so good”, feedback had to be in depth and focussed, specific and to the point. Each hat represents something – what did you like, […]

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Intentional Noticing

When asked to notice something it is usually a detail. When asked to notice the media around me I am suddenly overwhelmed by the saturation of our culture of images, advertisements, information and entertainment; the list is endless. Federation Square encompasses a lot of Melbourne’s heart and soul, so many events have been held there […]

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