I was absent from this week’s lecture, so instead of searching for media around the city (which isn’t much of a challenge) it was my job to find every sort of media in my local area.
Media seems to be defined as a place we inhabit, that deliver texts and messages through a variety of ways. Surrounding my local area, most of the media was advertisements, but surprisingly enough I found some QR codes that I could interact with. I feel like QR codes are still a fairly new concept that people are playing around with. I have only experienced QR codes through video games, accessing different codes to access different functions within the game. This one wasn’t particularly interesting, as it led to more advertising but considering my local area isn’t all that media-savvy, it was neat to find that level of interactivity with media.
- QR Code
- Music/Movie posters
- Advertisements
- Festival/Event posters
- Magazines