This week’s studio was revolved around class discussions on contemporary art trends, our project briefs, assigning groups, learning the use of equipment and knowing what we have to get done for our artist portraits.
Aside from that, discussions like the alienation that contemporary art causes for general viewers arose, along with how the whole concept seems to be very “anti-beauty”, or at least against the conformity that the current commercial standards of beauty brings.
Art’s value comes in trends, and artists take the unfortunate blunt hit when their art becomes more valuable once they are no longer living. Van Gogh is a very popular example of that, along with how his art was not even seen as beautiful during his time, but became astronomically valuable after his time. Another example of this was an artist by the name of Von Guerrard. His art is currently situated at the State Library in Melbourne’s CBD, and is currently valued at a much higher price than it was before in the 1960’s. It was sold to the state library for a certain amount, but now, it’s value has increased by fortunes on end.
After these discussions, groups were created. For our artist portraits, I got placed with Serena, Rob and Dusty, which I’m happy with.
Something new I learned was how to create a research brief and/or proposal. Basically, this will be our pitch.
The requirements for this document are the following:
- 10pt font
- One line synopsis + One Paragraph synopsis + One Page synopsis (can’t include same sentences in each)
- What it is? (Video portrait)
- What it’s about?
- Who are the main characters?
- What is the style? Tone? Location? etc.
- Simple, clear, to the point
Other requirements for this project include a 500 word reflection, propsed shooting schedule and evidence of research.
Research sources for our artists could include:
- General web search
- Articles/Written texts
- Gallerists, Curators
o Ask previous ones!
- Ask for their C.V.
- Youtube videos of their art etc.
Questions we can ask are:
- their daily routine
- Where they are from, get inspiration, where they work best
- significant parts of story
- supporting characters
- Photo of artists and art
- their life, background, education, career, milestones, inspirations, how did they develop this interest, process, message
- home movies