This week’s lecture covered the topic of copyright. Most of it I was pretty aware of but one concept I was unfamiliar with is that you could be violating someone’s copyright if you use their film and hurt the work’s integrity by using it in a derogatory or offensive context. I also wasn’t aware of the duration of copyright, which is the author’s life plus 70 years.
Who cares about audiences?
- Advertisers
- Commercial broadcasters, cable networks
- Production houses
- Government policy makers
- Social scientist/psychologists
- Cultural theorists/media scholars
I feel like the fan culture is taken as a joke by people who don’t work or are interested in these fields. From an economical standpoint, these groups of people are the reason they make money and succeed. With the introduction of new media technology, the audience that is was being subjected to and consumed by was being imagined differently. Obviously the distribution of production had to change, as well as the technology of production.
The theory that the audience is passive/manipulated/brainwashed is easily debatable, but it does cause the people behind production to succeed as they are controlling it, as well as it’s distribution. The relationship between media and audience is co-dependant, differing with different examples. Audiences can control the media by demanding certain content, but that’s caused by media releasing their product that engaged the audience in the first place. Both are controlled by the other.