Aside from establishing the definition, contexts, advances and consequences of blogs and the act of blogging, this week’s readings seemed to be revolved around the idea of our ‘dream job’.
What particularly caught my eye (and absolutely not because it was the only ‘reading’ in video format and I just so happen to retain information better when listening) was a presentation by Cal Newport, using the example of Steve Jobs. He discussed how dreams and passions are usually stumbled upon and purely based on the attention you seek from others, rather than having some inherent talents from an varying sources. He used the example of playing an instrument. In the beginning there may be a scenario where you’re slightly better than others, therefore strive to practice to retain that skill. I relate to this scenario at a surprising level, considering I had many issues during my high school years of finding “my passion.”
I do believe that your surrounding reflect a great deal when it comes to deciding or “stumbling” upon your passion. A person wouldn’t get to the same thought process and establishing ambitions if they were under a variety of different influences from friends and family.