I am wanting to touch base with you in regards to ONE80PROJECT, a wonderful initiative that really gives a leg up to aspiring film makers as well as supporting Australian television drama! Just to give you a brief overview, the One80Project in conjunction with MTV is a national competition where entrants submit a 180 second drama pilot in which gets judged by a panel of industry professionals (past named have included Sam Neil, Teresa Palmer, Joel and Nash Edgerton, Noah Taylor), developed into a fully fledged production and ultimately aired on MTV Australia.
Attached is an overview of the project, feel free to check out our website www.one80project.com.au
MTV are really passionate about this initiative, and are ecstatic by its growth over the last 4 years. Now in its 5th year, we are excited about taking it to new heights and making it the best yet.
The competition officially opens from October 15, however we are hoping to lock in presentation dates from September 27.