Shoot Day 2

Our second shoot day we wanted to shoot;

  • More performance footage of Ali with the Guitar using smoke and lights and black background
  • Projections of her from the first shoot projected onto her in the 2nd shoot
  • close ups of her face/more movement in performance, interesting using of her hands on her face and different shapes of her body to intercut with more stagnant footage
  • different angle close ups of her singing from the bridge to the end of the song


This shoot went really well, we only had the TV studio for 3 hours so we had to  move quick and we only aimed to organise three different set ups. If we shot what we needed then we had room to play at the end and do some creative improvised shots. These shots with the smoke and the lights that we did at the end of the day turned out to be our most effective footage. However, the artist wasn’t singing the words so there is only so many parts of the song where we can use this footage.


We worked really well as a group. It’s interesting to see how people naturally fall into the different crew roles where their strengths are. Jono has fallen into effects and projections, Jen has fallen into editing and post production and Georgia and I have stayed in organising production (management and co-ordinating) and conceptual area. We all have been doing the roles fairly equally however peoples natural abilities do come through and it’s nice that our group all have strengths in different area of production.

The artists performance was strong during this shoot, I regret not asking her to perform the entire song. We thought that the original footage from shoot day 1 was good enough so we only had the performance from the bridge onwards. The footage turned out so well that we now wish we had more for the start of the song. It’s a hard balance to keep something visually engaging using the same footage for 3 minutes however. At the moment our biggest challenge is organising all our footage in a visually dynamic and engaging way.


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